Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Creepy Crawlies!

While I was in Bergendal, I had many encounters with interesting insects, spiders and bugs. They grow them a lot bigger here in the Caribbean! During a hike in the forest, I found a walking stick that was about 10 inches long! I didn't have my camera at the time, but there were a lot of other times when I had it at the right moment and I got some cool pictures of the critters I encountered.

Sergio found this huge grasshopper in his room!

He wasn't so scary once you had a good hold on his legs - but not too hard, we didn't want to harm him!

Here is Dicky, one of our two resident tarantulas. It is said that having a tarantula around brings good luck, and we've got two! Unfortunately, when the house was sprayed for termites, Alois, our third, died from the chemicals. We still have Dicky though, and Woody who lives in a tree around the corner.

Below is the home-in-progress of the leaf cutter ants. This is one of their ant hills. They are so cute, and busy all the time. At all hours of the day one can see them crossing our path, big leafs in tow.

I told you they grow everything bigger here! I have seen a lot of termite nests while we walk through the jungle, but this is the largest one I have encountered. It is right on the path we cut for the Tamrin research, and it is a little eerie to go past.

Me standing next to the epic termite mound to give you an idea of scale
Rhinoceros Beetle!

Sylva gave us a tied up plastic bag saying nonchalantly, "Here, we got you a present." Knowing Sylva, all the guides immediately backed up from the picnic table and demanded that Pryce open the bag. This beetle is what was inside.

James was having fun messing around with the Rhino beetle. . . 

until he got a little too close!


  1. Haley, do you mind if I pass a link to your blog on to someone at the John Ball Zoo? I'm betting some of the keepers would love to read about your experience. The pictures are amazing!

  2. You always did like the bugs when we were little!
