Friday, June 3, 2011

My new project

The original plan for my internship with GHFS was that I would be living here in Bergendal at the research center, and taking care of the animals while helping out with other aspects when needed. However, as it goes with non-profits sometimes, the funds needed to finish the research center were not procured in time for the opening. There is no electricity or running water yet at the house, and there are still many renovations to do before it can be officially opened and the animals can be moved to the new location. This has caused the plan for me as an intern to change a bit.

While I'm in Paramaribo, I have been taking care of the animals, and working on a protocol for future interns and volunteers to use. While I'm here in Bergendal, I have been helping out where help is needed: cutting and marking research trails, raking leaves to prevent snakes, helping with house chores and so on. But this week I have been given a new assignment - my own project to work on to help enrich the research center. I'm in charge of a garden!

There are no stores nearby, and thus it is hard to have fresh vegetables since nothing keeps for long in the Suriname heat. That's why it's going to be so great to have a vegetable garden right at the back house so the people staying there will be able to have fresh veggies. There is a patch of land near the house that presently is nothing more than a bunch of tall grass, but when I'm done with it will hopefully be a successful, sustainable organic garden. I spent all morning using a machete and elbow grease to start clearing the grass, and by the end of the morning, it seems that I have actually made some progress! I can't post pics here becuase the internet is a little too slow, but when I'm back in town I'll be sure to show you the progress I've been making. Wish me luck!

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