Monday, May 16, 2011

Feeding the Sloths

This is one of my jobs as an intern - to feed the babies goat's milk. This is Bolletje, her name means "small ball" in dutch because she was such a little ball when they got her.

Another job that Monique showed us how to do was gather cecropia plants for the sloths to eat. We went out to a dairy farm and in the back was the forest. Using a machete and some elbow grease, we gathered enough plants for the week for the sloths to eat. Here I am holding a fruit of the plant, which the sloths love! We had to wear the polos because the juice of the plant will stain clothing brown.

1 comment:

  1. Very jealous of the feeding! What an amazing experience for you. Ooh, there's that envy again.
