Saturday, May 14, 2011


Last night, Monique made a delicious meal for me and we spent some time getting to know each other. She really is a remarkable woman. After we had dinner, she introduced me to her niece, Sheryll (not sure on the spelling of her name yet) who playes volleyball for a club here in Suriname. Her dad was boasting that she was voted "best setter in the Caribbean", which I would definitely believe. Anyway, she invited me to a practice with her team, and I was a little worried becuase it was from 7-10, and I was already pretty tired, it had been a long day what with getting lost and all. But when I got there (with none of my volleyball things, just the workout clothes I had packed), and I perked right up, cause how often do you get a chance to play volleyball with a bunch of sweet players from Suriname? So I practiced with them, and they were mostly speaking Dutch, but translating for me, too. I'm sure I looked a bit confused most of the time, but hey, it's volleyball so I could pretty much follow along. They invited me to come practice with them whenever I could, which is great because they are a good group of players and it will be really nice to get to know some friends my age from around here. Also, now I'll be able to get some practicing in before the Briton season starts! The gym there was really sweet because it had like, holes all in the walls that went to the outside, but I am not used to playing in this weather. I do believe it was the most I've ever sweat in a practice, and that is saying something!

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