Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Pryce and I tried to ride our bikes home yesterday, but we had some major problems with that idea. First, we were unsure about the way to go, so we were on the wrong foot from the get-go. Also, biking here is really difficult because the traffic is crazy (not to mention driving on the opposite side of America), and there are not really designated biking areas, so cars are whizzing past you constantly. Well, 20 minutes in to the ride, Pryce was basically run off the road and popped his back tire: completely obliterated! So we walked our bikes back to Monique's (another 40 minute walk), where we found out that we had been going in completely the wrong direction. Oh, and did I mention it was raining? We left the bikes there and promptly walked a block and took a taxi back to the apartment.

This morning we walked to Monique's with no navigational issues, and it took us just over an hour. I have to say, it was much easier and way less frightening than riding a bike!

1 comment:

  1. Wow they are very different looking! They look like kitties when they play fight.
