Monday, May 16, 2011

First Dolphin Tour

Pryce and I went on our first Dolphin tour yesterday. The boat leaves the dock at Leonsberg at 7am, so it was a bright and early day. In addition to giving tours, the volunteers record what Monique called "citizen science", taking the temp, salinity, cloud cover, wave height, wind speed, depth, how far you can see into the water, and a few other things I can't remember off the top of my head about the Suriname river. These measurements are taken at the beginning, at a specific site on the river, and where ever the dolphins are found. Three papers about the Suriname dolphin have been written with the help of the data and pictures taken by GHFS.

We also stopped on this beautiful beach and Pryce and I took a really long walk down the shore line. We were right next to the edge of the forest, and it was a really nice walk.

The dolphin tour was really relaxing, and it was cool to see the dolphins out on the river. Hopefully next time we go, we'll be faster at taking the measurements so we will be able to spend more time looking at the dolphins. I'm really glad we had a chance to spend the day with Monique out on the river.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haley, Looks like life is good for you in Suriname. Thanks for keeping us informed by way of your blog. Really neat. If you need something let us know. You are a special person and we love you. May God bless you real good!!

    Papa & Mema
