Friday, May 20, 2011

Wet sloths!

We put the sloths outside in the outdoor habitat today, and it rained really hard. Sloths look so much scrawnier when they get wet.

 Rafael was happy to be rescued from the storm.

Danielle, the largest, oldest, and wisest sloth was the only one who didn't get wet from the rain. I found him in the one corner of the habitat covered with a tarp. The little ones have a lot to learn from him! You can see below how he looks happy, fat and dry while the others are all soaking wet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haley!
    Your blog is just tooo cute! We'll miss it while you're away this week! We just want you to know that we love ya and hope you're having a wonderful adventure!
    Mema and Papa
