Saturday, May 14, 2011

City Tour

Pryce arrived last night, so today Chantal and Ari gave us a tour of Paramaribo. We went all through town on foot. Paramaribo is quite the city! We saw a lot of the shopping district, and the only place in the world where a mosque is next to a temple (they even share parking). That is just an example of the vast diversity that is in Suriname.

We went to the waterfront, and Ari pointed out a shipwrecked German U-boat from world war II, from which all the soldiers were kept prisoner in the interior. After the war, the prisoners were released and wandered off to the tribes in the interior, and that is where Ari (a native Surinamer) got his German ancestry!

 For lunch, we stopped at a Roti shop (the best one in Suriname according to Ari), and got the traditional Suriname Roti dish. Pryce, me and Chantal got the roll, but Ari got the whole shebang and demonstrated how to eat it with the proper three fingers. Next time if I'm feeling adventurous, perhaps I will try the whole shebang, too.

Oh, and Ari and Chantal were telling me that I am taller than every Surinamer, and that everything comes over sized in America ;)

 On the waterfront during our tour of the city.

The temple and the mosque share a parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. Haley what a wonderful experience for you and volleyball too? Who could ask for more? The sloths are so cute! We are so happy you are getting to see the culture and enjoy the diversity. Look forward to your posts.
