Monday, July 11, 2011

Just a Bunch of Bush People

Here are some photos of my friends who lived in B&D with me this summer. When you live in the rain forest with a small group, it tends to bring you all quite close. I really appreciated their support through the summer, and I loved getting to know them all.

Chihiro in the hut on top of Armadillo, in authentic fieldwork garb :)

This was at about 5:45am, and Mike was not too happy at this time in the day. But I still like this picture!

Me and Sylva after a sudden downpour. Wet, yet happy. You can see the gray skies in the background.

Staffan, relaxing after a long day in the field. He and Sylva found those flowers on the table, and she identified them later that night.

I'm going to miss them!

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